Case Study | Standby Power


A solution utilizing world-class Siemens gas engines, capable of producing 6MW of reliable electricity, while greatly reducing demand charges.

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As municipal governments throughout North America embrace low-carbon technology to save our planet, public transportation has become a key area for emissions reduction. With a mandate to electrify 100% of all diesel-fueled buses by 2024, this public transportation provider will play a crucial role in the city-wide climate strategy to achieve an 80% reduction in local greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.



While the new fleet of electric buses may be highly visible to public eyes, the hidden electrical infrastructure required to support its operation will be equally important. Existing transit facilities did not have the capacity to charge the fleet during a blackout, so emergency standby power generators were required to avoid crippling transit operations during any extended outages. In addition to this, federal and provincial funding for the infrastructure upgrades was contingent on meeting an aggressive timeline.


T&T supplied six natural gas fueled generator sets in custom weather-proof enclosures, with the option to expand the site with four additional units as needed. By utilizing world-class Siemens gas engines in our design, we provided a solution not only capable of producing 6MW of reliable, low-emission electricity on a moment's notice, but also one that is robust enough to dispatch for peak-shaving operations, greatly reducing electricity demand charges. 

In addition to the containerized generator systems, T&T Power Group also supplied the control systems to synchronize the generators as well as the switchgear that distributes the power into the facility.

To help the city meet the strict project deadlines and secure funding, we successfully fast-tracked the construction of these units and achieved delivery in a remarkable 6-month window.