CHP and the Future of Clean Energy

Better, cleaner days are ahead for our power grid and gas system.
October 3, 2022 by
CHP and the Future of Clean Energy
T&T Power Group.

Combined heat and power (CHP) systems, also known as Cogeneration systems, are an integral part of our energy future in Canada and the U.S. As the effects of climate change take an increasing toll, it continues to become a greater priority daily to seek power resources that are not only cleaner and better for our planet, but that are more resilient and reliable.

With that being said, the Combined Heat and Power Alliance recently released its latest report, CHP and the Clean Energy Future: How CHP Fits into a Modern Electric Grid and a Green Gas System.

The report takes a look at both the current state and future of the electric grid and gas system in the United States, considering how CHP will continue to work with these systems in order to provider cleaner, reliable power that communities can rely on amidst an ever-changing climate. While the report focuses on the U.S., many of the findings are certainly applicable to Canadian regions as well.

Let’s explore some of the key takeaways from the report below.

The unique attributes of CHP systems render the technology specially qualified to provide cleaner, reliable and more resilient electric and thermal energy resources, including:

In almost every region of the United States, CHP systems that are installed through the year 2035 and operating through the year 2050 are expected to cause a net reduction in carbon emissions across their system life.

Properly designed CHP systems generally operate with an overall efficiency of 65-85 percent. They require less fuel inputs for the same energy outputs, resulting in significant cost savings and reduction in emissions.

CHP has the ability to be integrated with other clean resources, including as part of a net-zero energy facility.

During demand increases or during times when intermittent renewable resources are not available, flexible CHP systems can provide generating capacity to the utility electric grid.

Renewable and lower-carbon fuel technologies like RNG and hydrogen can be successfully utilized as the primary fuel source for CHP systems.

A cleaner, more connected power system

The report also emphasizes how the electric grid of the future will connect more distributed resources while also including a greater number of microgrids (currently CHP is employed in 67% of continuously operating microgrids in the US).

And together with CHP, the gas system of the future will be greener, as well - as more clean and renewable fuels will be incorporated and embraced. CHP systems are able to use these clean fuels with high efficiency, resulting in fewer fuel inputs in order to achieve the same energy outputs.

All in all, CHP is an essential piece to both a greener, cleaner power grid and gas system of our future.

This highly efficient technology can help all types of power consumers including governments, institutions, businesses, utilities and communities to reduce their carbon footprint while saving money and having a reliable, dependable source of electricity that meets their everyday needs.

Planning on making your future greener (and brighter) with CHP?

Our T&T Power Group is here to help.

Contact us to learn about how your CHP project with our team of power experts can create a cleaner, more reliable and cost-effective future for you and your operations.

See our Complete Guide to Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

CHP and the Future of Clean Energy
T&T Power Group. October 3, 2022
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